Isolation and Identification of Culturable Midgut Bacteria of Culicoides arakawae in Jiangcheng County in Yunnan Province
中文关键词: 荒川库蠓  中肠  可培养细菌  优势菌群  葡萄球菌
英文关键词: Culicoides arakawae   midgut  culturable bacteria  dominant strains  Staphylococcus
孟锦昕 云南省畜牧兽医科学院 云南省热带亚热带动物病毒重点实验室云南 昆明 650224 
李楠 云南省畜牧兽医科学院 云南省热带亚热带动物病毒重点实验室云南 昆明 650224 
何于雯 云南省畜牧兽医科学院 云南省热带亚热带动物病毒重点实验室云南 昆明 650224 
杨振兴 云南省畜牧兽医科学院 云南省热带亚热带动物病毒重点实验室云南 昆明 650224 
李苏胜 云南省畜牧兽医科学院 云南省热带亚热带动物病毒重点实验室云南 昆明 650224 
王冬梅 江城县动物疫病预防控制中心云南 江城 665900 
李钊 江城县农业农村和科学技术局云南 江城 665900 
杨子江 普洱市动物疫病预防控制中心云南 普洱 665000 
王静林 云南省畜牧兽医科学院 云南省热带亚热带动物病毒重点实验室云南 昆明 650224 
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      荒川库蠓(Culicoides arakawae)是鸡场中一种常见的吸血昆虫,主要传播鸡住白细胞虫病和禽痘等多种禽类疾病,为了解荒川库蠓中肠可培养细菌的种类及群落组成,为将来研究荒川库蠓肠道细菌对疾病传播的影响提供前期工作基础,以江城县荒川库蠓为材料,分离鉴定荒川库蠓中肠可培养细菌。使用灯诱法采集库蠓标本,挑选出不饱血的雌性荒川库蠓,解剖其中肠并研磨,分离中肠可培养细菌,结合16S rDNA进行序列测定并分析。结果表明,获得4只荒川库蠓中肠中可培养菌落8 419个,纯化获得菌株38株,隶属于2门5科6属10种,优势菌群为革兰阳性菌,占分离菌株总数的57.89%,优势菌株为葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)菌株,占总分离菌株的55.26%。江城县荒川库蠓中肠可培养细菌属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes),以葡萄球菌属为主。
      Culicoides arakawae is a common blood-sucking insect in chicken farms which mainly spreads a variety of poultry diseases, such as leucocytozoonosis and avian pox. To understand the culturable midgut bacteria species and community composition of culturable midgut bacteria of C. arakawae, to provide foundation for early stage work research on the influence of midgut bacteria of C. arakawae on disease transmission. C. arakawae collected in Jiangcheng County were used as material to isolate and identify the culturable midgut bacteria. Culicoides were collected using light traps, and non-blood-fed female specimens of C. arakawae were selected. The midgut was dissected and ground, and the culturable bacteria were isolated from the midgut, and identified and analyzed by 16S rDNA sequencing. The results showed that a total of 8 419 culturable midgut bacteria were obtained from the midgut of 4 C. arakawae, and 38 strains were purified, belonging to 10 species of 6 genera, 5 families, and 2 phyla. The dominant bacteria were the gram-positive bacterium, accounting for 57.89% of the total isolated strains, and the dominant strains were Staphylococcus, accounting for 55.26% of the total isolated strains. Culturable midgut bacteria of C. arakawae in Jiangcheng county belong to Proteobacteria and Firmicutes, with Staphylococcus as the main species.
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