Bacillus megaterium ZS-3最佳发酵培养条件优化
Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for Bacillus megaterium ZS-3
中文关键词: 巨大芽胞杆菌  正交实验  活菌数  响应面法  PB实验  BBD实验  培养条件优化
英文关键词: Bacillus megaterium  orthogonal experiment  viable cell number  response surface method  PB experiment  BBD experiment  optimization of culture conditions
祝小霞 南京林业大学 南方现代林业协同创新中心江苏 南京 210037 
石慧敏 南京林业大学 南方现代林业协同创新中心江苏 南京 210037 
叶建仁 南京林业大学 南方现代林业协同创新中心江苏 南京 210037 
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      为提升巨大芽胞杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)ZS-3有效菌体数量,降低ZS-3发酵成本,通过单因素、正交与响应面相结合的方法探究ZS-3产活菌数最高的碳源、氮源、无机盐、转速、装液量、pH、温度和接菌量等培养条件。单因素与正交实验筛选得ZS-3最适培养基与比例为碳源1.0%(质量分数)、氮源0.5%、磷酸氢二铵0.5%和十二水合硫酸铝钾0.5%;响应面优化后ZS-3培养条件为装液量40%、转速200 r/min、pH值6.67、培养温度30.37 ℃、接种量1.31%(体积分数)时生物量达到最高,优化后培养的菌体数量可达到1.21×109 cfu/mL。经过优化后ZS-3活菌数为原始培养条件产生的活菌数的3.9倍。降低了发酵成本,为未来可能的工业化扩大发酵生产提供参考与数据支持。
      In order to increase the number of effective bacteria of Bacillus megaterium ZS-3 and reduce the fermentation cost of ZS-3, combination of single factor, orthogonal, and response surface method were used to investigate the fermentation conditions to produce the highest number of viable ZS-3, including carbon source, nitrogen source, inorganic salt, rotation speed, liquid filling volume, pH, temperature, inoculation volume, and other culture conditions. The results showed that strain ZS-3 optimal carbon, nitrogen source and inorganic salt were soluble starch 1.0% (mass fraction), corn milk dry powder 0.5%, diammonium hydrogen phosphate 0.5%, aluminum potassium sulfate dodecahydrate 0.5%; optimal cultivation conditions were rotation speed of 200 r/min, liquid filling volume 40%, pH of 6.67, 30.37 ℃, and inoculation volume 1.31% (v/v), the biomass reached the highest. After optimization, the number of cultured cells reached 1.21 × 109 cfu/mL, the number of viable cells in ZS-3 is 3.9 times those of the viable cells produced under the original cultivation conditions. The fermentation cost reduced and provided theoretical basis and data support for the possible industrial expansion of fermentation production in the future.
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