Genetic Diversity and Agronomic Traits Evaluation of 92 Tea Tree Mushroom (Agrocybe aegerita) Strains
中文关键词: 茶树菇(Agrocybe aegerita  拮抗反应  简单序列重复区间  遗传多样性  农艺性状
英文关键词: tea tree mushroom (Agrocybe aegerita)  antagonistic reaction  ISSR  genetic diversity  agronomic traits
王洪秀 1.江西省农业科学院 农业应用微生物研究所江西 南昌 3302002.江西省科学院 微生物研究所江西 南昌 330096 
章炉军 上海市农业科学院 食用菌研究所上海 201403 
孙鹏 江西省农业科学院 农业应用微生物研究所江西 南昌 330200 
胡佳 江西省农业科学院 农业应用微生物研究所江西 南昌 330200 
安颖 浙江大学生命科学学院 生物物理研究所 教育部生物系统稳态与保护重点实验室浙江 杭州 310058 
陈绪涛 江西省农业科学院 农业应用微生物研究所江西 南昌 330200 
魏云辉 江西省农业科学院 农业应用微生物研究所江西 南昌 330200 
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      为了解茶树菇(Agrocybe aegerita)种质资源的遗传多样性和筛选优良的茶树菇新品种,采用菌株拮抗试验方法观察了92株茶树菇菌株间拮抗反应及其类型,ISSR-PCR(inter-simple sequence repeat-PCR)分子标记方法对92株茶树菇菌株的遗传多样性进行了综合分析。拮抗试验将92株茶树菇菌株分为27组;筛选出的20条ISSR引物共扩增出317条清晰条带,多态性条带平均比率为82.60%;在遗传相似系数为0.742时,ISSR分子标记分析可将92株茶树菇划分为6大类群,拮抗试验和ISSR分子标记分析的结果基本一致。通过对比农艺性状分析,初步筛选出滇农5、滇农14、茶5-800、白茶、闽农5及滇农8作为工厂化生产茶树菇菌种。结果表明茶树菇的遗传多样性丰富,结合栽培出菇试验可为茶树菇品种选育和杂交育种的亲本选择提供参考。
      To understand the genetic diversity of Agrocybe aegerita germplasm resources and to screen excellent new varieties of Agrocybe aegerita. The antagonistic reaction and its types between strains of Agrocybe aegerita were investigated through hyphal antagonism experiment. The genome DNA of A. aegerita was amplified by PCR using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) molecular markers, and the genetic diversity of 92 strains of A. aegerita was analyzed comprehensively. The results showed that the 92 strains were divided into 27 groups based on the antagonistic reaction. Among the 20 ISSR primers screened, 317 clear bands were amplified, and the average polymorphism band ratio was 82.60%. The results of cluster analysis of ISSR molecular markers showed that at the genetic similarity coefficient level of 0.742, the 92 strains of A. aegerita were divided into six groups. The five strains of Diannong5, Diannong14, Cha5-800, Baicha, Minnong5 and Diannong8 could be used as factory production strains. In this study, the results of antagonism test and ISSR cluster analysis were basically consistent, and the 92 strains selected were rich in genetic diversity. The results of this paper provide a scientific basis for the selection of plant varieties and parental selection of cross breeding for A. aegerita.
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