Effects of Sodium Diacetate on the Structure and Function of Mice Intestines Microbial Community
中文关键词: 双乙酸钠  肠道菌群  小鼠  慢性炎症
英文关键词: sodium diacetate  intestinal microbial community (IMC)  mice  chronic inflammation
孙东方 广东海洋大学食品科技学院 广东海洋大学现代生物化学实验中心广东 湛江 524088 
王晨 广东海洋大学食品科技学院 广东海洋大学现代生物化学实验中心广东 湛江 524088 
刘颖 广东海洋大学食品科技学院 广东海洋大学现代生物化学实验中心广东 湛江 524088 
王雅玲 广东海洋大学食品科技学院 广东海洋大学现代生物化学实验中心广东 湛江 524088 
房志家 广东海洋大学食品科技学院 广东海洋大学现代生物化学实验中心广东 湛江 524088 
邓旗 广东海洋大学食品科技学院 广东海洋大学现代生物化学实验中心广东 湛江 524088 
孙力军 广东海洋大学食品科技学院 广东海洋大学现代生物化学实验中心广东 湛江 524088 
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      肠道菌群在功能和代谢方面的研究日益成熟,但针对食品添加剂双乙酸钠对人体肠道菌群作用的研究目前仍鲜少有报道。为了探究其对肠道菌群及人体健康的潜在益处及危害,以小鼠为模型,以双乙酸钠为干预物质,干预剂量为0.3 g/(kg·d),干预1周后,收集实验小鼠和空白对照组小鼠的粪便并用菌群16S rDNA高通量测序进行肠道菌群的物种鉴定和丰度检测。对所得数据进行分析,得到小鼠肠道菌群的多样性与丰度比例等指标。结果显示,实验剂量下的双乙酸钠干预后,小鼠的肠道菌群无论是菌群种类还是丰度都有了显著改变,属水平新增447种,减少142种。根据丰度比例变化最显著的9种菌,如拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)、AKK(Akkermansia)等,并结合菌群代谢功能预测,脂肪酸合成显著上调,碳水化合物代谢、氨基酸代谢、脂代谢等明显下调,推测摄入高剂量的双乙酸钠可能有增加肥胖、过敏、慢性炎症和肠胃炎的风险。
      The research on the function and metabolism of intestines microbial community (IMC) is becoming more and more mature, but the study on the effect of food additive sodium diacetate on human IMC is still rarely reported. In order to explore the potential benefits and harms of sodium diacetate on IMC and human health, this study used mice as models, sodium diacetate was used as the intervener (the intervention dose was 0.3 g/(kg·d)). One week after the intervention, feces of experimental group and control group were collected, and 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing was used for species identification and abundance detection of the IMC. Data analysis had gained the IMC diversity and abundance ratio and other indices. The results showed that after the intervention of sodium diacetate at the experimental dose, the IMC of mice had significant changes in both species and abundance. with 447 species added and 142 species decreased at the genus level. According to the change of abundance ratio, the most significant changes of 9 species of bacteria, such as Bacteroides, Akkermansia, etc, combined with the prediction of bacterial metabolism function, fatty acid synthesis was significantly up-regulated, and carbohydrate metabolism, amino acid metabolism and lipid metabolism were significantly down-regulated. It was speculated that the high dosage intake of sodium diacetate in may increase the risk of obesity and allergy, chronic inflammation, and gastroenteritis.
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