Teaching Reform of Environmental Engineering Microbiology and Experiment Based on Enhancing Scientific Research Ability
中文关键词: 环境工程微生物学  教学改革  实验教学  科研能力提升
英文关键词: Environmental Engineering Microbiology  teaching reform  experimental teaching  enhancement of scientific research ability
孟凡刚 中山大学 环境科学与工程学院广东 广州 510275 
黄越 中山大学 环境科学与工程学院广东 广州 510275 
赵姗姗 中山大学 环境科学与工程学院广东 广州 510275 
摘要点击次数: 585
全文下载次数: 151
      Environmental Engineering Microbiology and Experiment is one of the important obligatory courses for the environment related speciality. According to the course characteristics of Environmental Engineering Microbiology and Experiment, a teaching reform plan within a certain relatively long period of time was presented, having the aid of scientific resourses to interfuse theoretical lecture with practice as well as scientific experiment, to systematically training the students′ comprehensive scientific research ability. Adopting this teaching reform, the students′ studying enthusiasm was vitalized, as a result the speciality skill of the students was enhanced, their innovation consciousness was fostered, and majority of undergraduate students who participated the teaching reform had gained endowment in scientific research project, and part of them had received approval of state patents. Generally, this teaching reform had derived good results, and had provided a foundation for fostering the students with scientific research style.
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