Tricholoma masutake Bioactive Substance and Development Status Quo of Their Products
中文关键词: 松茸  多糖  免疫调节  抗癌  抗氧化  抗辐射
英文关键词: Tricholoma matsutake  polysaccharide  immuno-regulation  antitumor  antioxidant  anti-radiation
贺元川 重庆市中药研究院重庆 400065 
毛萍 中国科学院 成都生物研究所四川 成都 610041 
李晓明 重庆市中药研究院重庆 400065 
陈仕江 重庆市中药研究院重庆 400065 
摘要点击次数: 928
全文下载次数: 147
      松茸(Tricholoma matsutake)是我国珍稀濒危食药用真菌,肉质肥厚、香气宜人、味道鲜美,因有多糖、多肽蛋白、挥发性等多种活性物质,表现出抗肿瘤、抗病毒、调节免疫等药用价值而有“菇中之王”的美称。由于松茸子实体尚未实现规模化生产,限制了其开发利用。从松茸多糖、松茸多肽蛋白、松茸醇等挥发性物质等三种主要活性物质的来源及功能进行了综述,总结现有市场松茸产品开发现状和存在的问题,以期为松茸未来的研究方向提供依据,为松茸的进一步应用开发提供参考。
      Tricholoma matsutake is a rare and endangered edible and officinal fungus in China. It has laudatory title of ″king of mushroom″ because of its fleshy and full fleshiness, attractive aroma, delicious taste, and because of it has polysaccharide, polypeptide protein, volatile and multiple active substances, performing antitumor, antivirus, immuno regulation and other medicinal values. Since the sporocarp of T. matsutake has not been produced in large scale, its development and utilization is restricted. Resources and functions of T. matsutake polysaccharide, polypeptide protein, and alcohol, these three main active substances were summarized in this paper. The development status quo of T. matsutake product existing in market and the existing problems were also summarized, so as to provide a foundation for future research direction, and provide references for further applied development of T. matsutake.
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