Metabolomic Analysis for Component of Functional Cordyceps militaris
中文关键词: 功能性蛹虫草  代谢组学  成分分析  丰富度
英文关键词: Functional cordycepsmilitaris  Metabonomics  Composition analysis  Richness
王升厚 沈阳师范大学 实验教学中心辽宁 沈阳 110034 
牛世莉 沈阳师范大学 生命科学学院辽宁 沈阳 110034 
徐方旭 沈阳师范大学 实验教学中心辽宁 沈阳 110034 
王泽 沈阳师范大学 生命科学学院辽宁 沈阳 110034 
柳叶飞 沈阳师范大学 实验教学中心辽宁 沈阳 110034 
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      对功能性蛹虫草、野生蛹虫草、柞蚕蛹虫草及冬虫夏草的代谢组学进行非靶向成分比较分析,并对功能性蛹虫草的常见生物活性成分进行定量分析。结果表明,功能性蛹虫草共检测出代谢产物成分2 213种,占成分总量的72.67%,其特有成分497种,与冬虫夏草、柞蚕蛹虫草和野生蛹虫草相比具有显著的成分优势。除目前已经报导的部分成分外,还含有丰富的特殊性代谢产物,如灵芝酸、茯苓新酸、人参皂苷、仙茅皂苷、苦玄参苷、黄芪皂苷、金铁锁环肽、王不留行环肽、甾醇、丹酚酸等。常规成分定量分析表明功能性蛹虫草子实体中虫草素和喷司他丁含量均较高,麦角甾醇、SOD酶、维生素E含量均显著高于对照组。大量药物活性物质在蛹虫草代谢产物成分体系中得到表达,对于揭示蛹虫草保健价值的物质基础具有重要意义。
      This study on the functional cordyceps militaris, wild cordyceps militaris, tussah pupa cordyceps sinensis and cordyceps metabolic group of comparative analysis of the targeted constituents, and the functional common biological active components of cordyceps militaris has carried on the quantitative analysis. The results showed that the functional composition of cordyceps militaris were detected metabolites 2 213 species, accounting for 72.67% of the total ingredients, 497 species, its unique composition and wild cordyceps militaris and cordyceps sinensis, tussah pupa caterpillar fungus has significant compared advantage. In addition to the already reported some ingredients, contains rich the particularity of metabolites, such as: ganodermalucidum acid, poriacocos new acid, ginseng saponin, fairy MaoZaoglycosides, bitter figwort root glycosides, astragalussaponin, psammosilenetunicoides cyclic peptide, cowherb seed cyclic peptide, sterol, Dan phenolic acids, etc. Conventional composition quantitative analysis shows that the functional cordyceps militaris fruiting body of cordycepin and spray levels are very high, ergosterol, SOD enzymes, vitamin E content were significantly higher than the control group. A large number of drug active substances in cordyceps militaris metabolites composition system expression, the material basis for revealing the cordyceps militaris health care value of pharmacological significance.
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